Unilateral work part. 2
Daca in blogul trecut am prezentat 4 exercitii unilaterale pentru partea inferioara a corpului, in cel de astazi, o sa va arat 4...
Unilateral work part. 2
4 exercitii unilaterale esentiale pentru buna functionare a partii inferioare a corpului.
Creste-ti performantele cu o recuperare adecvata
Strength and conditioning
Cum sa-ti scrii singur programul de antrenament
Squat pattern vs Hinge pattern
3 greseli fundamentale atunci cand esti prima data in sala
4 easy steps for a better bench press!
There is no reason to use the lifting belt when working your biceps
Stay injury free with the correct push-up pattern
The ankle or the most neglected joint of them all
Progression for a better deadlift
11 Dec 2018
Progression to a better squat
Loaded carry - a more efficient and safer alternative for crunches
5 steps for pull-ups
The Glute Bridge