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4 easy steps for a better bench press!

Updated: Mar 19, 2019

The bench press is probably one of the most common exercises in the gym, especially among men. But as popular and simple, it seems this exercise, so varied are the methods of execution that can be seen in a training gym. For those who want to know what to be careful at when they want to do this exercise correctly and without the risk of an injury, continue to find 4 steps describing the set up of the execution.

1. Back slightly arched on the bench, when we start and during the movement, not only gives us stability but forces us to activate all the back muscles, especially the latissimus dorsi, for a much safer base and to take full advantage of the force that we have at the time of execution.

By choosing this method, the shoulders are placed in a safe position (scapular retraction and depression) whereby the risk of an injury is reduced, plus the pectoral is forced to recruit as many muscle fibers as possible from the lower part, which influences the force production.

2. During the execution, the legs must have "roots" in the ground and pulled to the shoulders to gain the necessary muscle tension for a solid base, without lifting the glutes from the bench. During execution, we must have 3 support points - upper back, glutes and legs. This way we can help with our feet to stabilize the body and for extra power (leg drive).

3. A good tip when executing a bench press, is that, when you perform, think of pushing the body away from the bar rather than the bar away from your body, this influences the recruitment of the upper back muscles but also protects the tissues from the shoulder region. To be more specific, by simply changing the mindset, we eliminate the protraction (raising the shoulders from the bench) in the final part of the movement, where the majority of the people get destabilized and they can't reach the correct position.

4. The barbell trajectory should be diagonal. From the start point, where the bar should be above the shoulder (a vertical line between the bar and the glenohumeral joint), it must descend to the highest point of the pectorals (usually this is the end of the sternum or below the nipples). This comes with the ideal angle between the humerus and the trunk at the time of execution, it should be between 10-55 degrees to promote health and well-functioning shoulders.

All these are things that must be adjusted taking in consideration the anatomical construction, mobility/flexibility. For example, if when you flex your back or when you move your legs to the shoulders, you feel a discomfort or muscle tension on the anterior part of the hips, they can indicate an issue on the hip flexor (iliopsoas and rectus femoris) that can be tight.

Attention! for people with issues in the lumbar area (lordosis), it is recommended to push directly from the ground or push with the raised legs, because in this case the hyperextension of the spine is dangerous.


Impinsul cu bara de la piept este probabil unul din cele mai des intalnite exercitii cu greutati, mai ales in randul barbatilor. Insa pe cat de popular si aparent simplu, pare acest exercitiu, pe atat de variate sunt metodele de executie, care pot fi observate intr-o sala de antrenamente. Pentru cei care vor sa stie la ce anume sa fie atenti atunci cand doresc sa realizeze acest exercitiu corect si fara riscul unei accidentari, in continuare gasiti 4 pasi care descriu pregatirea executiei.

1. Spatele usor arcuit pe banca(exceptand cazul in care o persoana sufera de a afectiune ce limiteaza extensia zonei lombare), atunci cand executam impins de la piept, nu numai ca ne ofera stabilitate dar ne obliga sa ne activam toata musculatura spatelui, in special marele dorsal, pentru o baza mult mai sigura si pentru a profita de toata forta pe care o avem in momentul executiei.

Prin adoptarea acestei posturi, umerii sunt asezati intr-o pozitie sigura (retractia si coborarea scapulara) prin care riscul de accidentare este mic, plus datorita acesteia, pectoralul este fortat in a recruta cat mai multe fibre musculare din partea inferioara a acestuia, lucru ce influenteaza producerea fortei.

2. In timpul executiei, picioarele trebuie sa fie “infipte” in sol si trase spre umeri pentru a obtine tensiunea musculara necesara unei baze solide, asta fara sa ridicam fesierii de pe banca. Pe parcursul executiei trebuie sa avem 3 puncte de sprijin – partea superioara a spatelui,  fesierii si picioarele. In acest fel ne putem ajuta de picioare pentru a stabiliza corpul si pentru un plus de putere din partea picioarelor si a fesierilor (leg drive).

3. Un sfat util atunci cand executi impins de la piept este ca in momentul executiei, sa te gandesti ca impingi corpul departe de haltera si nu haltera departe de corp, acest lucru influenteaza recrutarea musculaturii superioare a spatelui dar si protejeaza tesuturile din regiunea umarului. Mai exact, prin simpla modificare a "gandirii" se elimina protractia scapulara (ridicarea umerilor de pe banca) in partea finala a miscarii, unde de cele mai multe ori majoritatea persoanelor se destabilizeaza si nu mai reusesc sa isi gaseasca pozitia corecta.

4. Traiectoria halterei trebuie sa fie pe diagonala. Din punctul de start unde haltera trebuie sa fie deasupra umarului( o linie verticala intre haltera si articulatia glenohumerala) ea trebuie sa coboare in cel mai inalt punct al pectoralilor ( de obicei acesta este partea de final a sternului). Acest lucru vine la pachet cu unghiul ideal intre humerus si trunchi in momentul executiei, acesta trebuie sa fie intre 10-55 grade pentru a promova sanatatea si buna functionare a umerilor.

Toate acestea sunt lucruri care trebuie "reglate" dupa nevoile fiecaruia si orice ajustare trebuie facuta dupa constructia anatomica a fiecaruia, gradul de mobilitate sau flexibilitate, de exemplu daca atunci cand arcuiesti spatele sau cand duci picioarele spre umeri, simti un disconfort sau tensiune musculara in partea anterioara a bazinului, acestea pot indica o problema la nivelul flexorilor bazinului (muschii iliopsoas si dreptul femural) care pot fi contractati/tensionati, lucru ce limiteaza deplasarea picioarelor spre umeri si in acelasi timp extensia lombara.

Atentie! pentru persoanele cu probleme in zona lomabara (lordoza), este recomandat impinsul de pe sol sau impinsul cu picioarele ridicate, deoarece in acest caz hiperextensia coloanei este periculoasa.


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23 de set. de 2022

Nice shhare

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