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28 Dec 2018


Back Squat - 6x4 sets

Goblet squat 6x3 sets

For time:


Thrusters 30/15 kg


Push Ups


Pull Ups

Side plank


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3 Jan 2019

FUNDAMENTAL BLOCK Push & Carry Strict Press DB/BB 8 x 3 sets Single Arm SP 10 x 3 sets Push Press Technique 5 x 6 sets Farmers Carry 45 sec x 3 rounds Suitcase Carry 30 sec x 3 rounds EMOM 10 min 15 s

30 Dec 2018

Technique: Rope Climb Push Press 5x5 @80% of 1 RM For time: Barbell Complex w/ 50/25 kg 5 Power Clean 5 Front Squat 5 Romanian Deadlift *every round: 25 wall ball 5 Muscle Up/ 10 Pull-ups

29 Dec 2018

Technique: Deadlift - Mobility & Position 5 x 4 sets EMOM 12 min 10 S. Press 15 Barbell Row 15 Ring Dips AMRAP 12 min 5/5 KTB Snatch 7 T2B 9 Goblet Squat

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