Am facut o lista cu cartile pe care le-am citit si care au avut un impact pozitiv asupra dezvoltarii mele ca antrenor. Bineinteles ca lista poate sa difere de la antrenor la antrenor si fiecare considera o anumita carte reprezentativa pentru el.
In blogul de astazi o sa le prezint pe scurt si o sa scriu si cateva "citate" importante pe care mi le-am notat de-a lungul timpului, mai bine zis informatii care pentru mine au fost de folos.
The simplest and most effective training system for raw strength - Jim Wendler

Editia a doua a cartii 5-3-1, probabil programul dupa care m-am antrenat cel mai mult cand am inceput antrenamentele cu specific de powerlifting.
Ca o idee generala programul arata asa:
Fiecare mezociclu dureaza undeva la 4-6 saptamani.
Prima saptamana: 3 seturi a cate 5 repetari
Saptamana doi: 3 seturi a cate 3 repetari
A treia saptamana: 1 set de 5 repetari, unul de 3 repetari si unul de o repetare (5/3/1)
A patra saptamana: 3 seturi a cate 5 repetari. Saptamana aceasta e pentru "deload".
Special strength training manual for coaches - Yuri Verkhoshansky and Natalia Verkhoshansky

Probabil cea mai grea carte pe care am citit-o dar cu informatii extrem de folositoare care inca sunt aplicabile in lumea sportului si in ziua de azi.
Parintele pliometriei, de fapt atunci se numea "Shock regime".
"Shock regime is characterized by a sharp, sudden force effort of muscle stretched by a former short, powerful impact against an external opposition. The idea behind this method is in the use of the body's kinetic energy, accumulated in its free fall, to stimulate neuromuscular tension. That results in two interrelated reactions of the neuromuscular system:
-increasing the motor neuron's stimulation intensity
-creating an elastic potential of muscle tension"
Back mechanic - Stuart McGill

Stuart McGill omul pe care ar trebui sa il intrebi orice este legat de spate, el avand o experienta vasta in acest domeniu. O carte simpla, insa cu foarte multe informatii utile.
Are si o parte de mythbusting in carte din care o sa enumar cateva:
"Myth: stretching is good for reducing back pain
"Fact: although stretching is considered universally beneficial for back pain suffers, this is an old-fashioned notion that needs challenging"
"Myth: my friend was cured using xyz therapy - he swears by it. It must be good for me.
Fact: as previously mentioned there is no universal cause or cure for back pain. A method that led to success for a friend may or may not be beneficial to you as your condition is likely different."
Developing Power - Mike McGuigan

Tot ce inseamna putere, de la definitii, la exercitii si pana la program de antrenament pentru dezvoltarea acesteia.
"Power is defined as the rate of performing work and is a product of force and displacement"
"Power (w)= force (N) x velocity (m/s)"
Developing Endurance - Ben Reuter

Aici avem tot ce este legat de efort aerob, fiind vorba de aceeasi informatie din punct de vedere structural ca in cartea de sus, cea legata de putere.
"Endurance training also improves the capacity of the lungs during exercise. This means that the person's respiratory rate and tidal volume are improved. These improvements in lung capacity may contribute to an increase in maximal oxigen uptake (VO2max). Maximal oxygen uptake is defined as the highest volume of oxygen that a person's body is capable of taking in and using."
Olympic weightlifting 3rd edition - Greg Everett

Probabil cea mai voluminoasa carte din "colectia" mea, aceasta avand si cele mai multe informatii legat de haltere.
"The barbell's path. As has been alluded to in previous sections, the path of the barbell during the snatch ia not a straight vertical line, but describes a slight s shape (when viewed from the lifter's profile). This minimally curved path is not a goal itself, but is the result of optimal pulling mechanics due to the body's interaction with the barbell and the maintenance of balance over the base."
Science and practice of strength training - Vladimir M. Zatsiorsky, Wiliam J. Kraemer

Oscilez intre a spune ca este pe locul unu sau 2 in preferintele mele, asta pentru ca tot ce trebuie sa stii despre antrenament gasesti in aceasta carte.
"Why do elite weightlifers start a barbell lift from the floor slowly?
A good weighlifter imparts the greatest effort to a barbell, trying to accelerate it maximally, when the bar is approximately at knee-joint height. There are two reasons for this. First, at this position the highest forces can be generated. Second, the force decreases when the movement velocity increases (parametric force-velocity relation). The barbell must approach the most favored body position for force generation at a relatively low velocity to impart maximal force to the bar"
"The main idea of accommodating resistance is to develop maximal tension throughout the complete range of mation rather than at a particular point"
Speed strength - Joel Smith

Spuneam mai sus ca oscilez in a alege o carte preferata, probabil ca aleg aceasta carte deoarece o citesc acum si vine cu niste idei foarte interesante referitoare la biomecanica.
"Humans are torque beings; and torque is rotation or twisting. We are more efficient moving with rotation than we are linearly. Muscles fibers run at angles, not linearly. We have joints that allow us to move enspoints of the muscles farther away from each other via rotation. Linear movements keep the distance between the endpoints fixed which it difficult to elongate a muscle"
Science and development of muscle hypertrophy - Brad Schoenfeld

Toata lumea a auzit de Brad Schoenfeld iar pe scurt in cartea aceasta gasesti toata informatia actuala legata de hipertrofie, care paradoxal pana in ziua de astazi este un subiect destul de necunoscut.
Easy strength - Dan John and Pavel

O carte "amuzanta" si foarte placuta la citit!
"I find it ridiculous when an athlete spends 45 minutes on esoteric correctives, then half-heartedly lifts a baby weight in some sissy move. He has taken the worthy goals of health and harmony to such a ridiculous extreme that he has turned into a hypochondriac, constantly scanning his carcass for aches and pains, real and imaginary. I am seeing more and more of this type of behavior, and it is as counterproductive to athletic exce lence as the other extreme: knuckle-headed heavy lifting through pain and a refusal to perform a minimal amount of joint mobility exercises and correctives."
Boris Sheiko - powerlifting foundation and methods

Dupa cum numele o spune aici gasim tot ce tine de powerlifting, de antrenorul echipei nationale a Rusiei din 1999-2005 si este singura persoana din Rusia care este profesor in powerlifting.
"Matveev L. (1977) notes that one of the main features of exercises classification used in sports training, is their similarities (or differences) with the sports chosen as a specialization. It is assumed that each physical exercise has more or less constant principles, this is why according to the physical education theory there are three categories of physical exercises in all sports:
Group 1 – competitive exercises;
Group 2 – exercises for specific purposes;
Group 3 – general exercises."
Sper ca lista pe care am facut-o sa fie una de folos si cat mai multi oameni sa citeasca pentru ca aceasta este singura modalitate prin care poti vedea cat de multe lucruri nu stii si cate poti invata.