Continuam discutiile noastre cu unul dintre cei mai puternici atleti de la The Box: Atti Mate.
[English version below]
Q: Daca ar fi sa te prezinti in 5 propozitii, care ar fi acestea? Cine esti? Cu ce te ocupi? Care este super puterea ta?
Atti: Atti Mate, inginer mecanic de 4 ani jumatate. Sunt din judetul Bistrita Nasaud, ca si coach Petrican. Imi place foarte mult sa calatoresc. Ultima data am fost in Atena, unde am fost fermecat de cultura si cladirile vechi, asta mai ales pentru ca sunt pasionat de mitologia greaca. Tot acolo mi-am pus in practica si alta pasiune a mea si anume mancarea. Probabil una din super puterile mele este cantitatea de mancare pe care pot sa o consum.
Q: Care a fost primul tau contact cu sportul? Ce ti-a placut/ce nu ti-a placut?
Atti: Nu am facut niciodata sport de performanta, dar copil fiind mai jucam cate o miuta. Pe la 15 ani am inceput sa trag de fiare, intr-o sala artizanala, la un prieten in garaj. Apoi am inceput sa strangem chestii pentru ‘sala’. Avea bunicu' o rola cu discuri pe care o folosea la nivelat pamantul. Am luat-o, am desfacut-o si am facut rost de greutati, am facut facut un scripete din axul utilajului. Cand am ajuns in Cluj am inceput sa fac antrenamente de forta si conditionare.
Q: Ce te-a determinat sa incepi sa te antrenezi la The Box si de cat timp faci acest lucru?
Atti: Sala la care mergeam inainte a intrat in renovare si nu am putut sta pe tusa cateva saptamani. Trecusem pe la standul vostru la Electric Castle, o mai stiam si pe Anca de mult timp – nu am prea avut de ales. Mi-au placut mult blocurile cu miscari fundamentale pe care le-am facut in urma cu cateva luni.
Q: In ce fel simti ca te-a schimbat The Box?
Atti: Am lucrat mult pe tehnica la partea de Olympic weightlifting si in acelasi timp am crescut ca si forta in picioare. Cred ca iar fac PR la squat 😊
Q: Ce te motiveaza sa vii la antrenament in fiecare zi?
Atti: In primul rand sunt hotarat sa am un stil de viata sanatos si vreau sa imi depasesc limitele in mod constant. Daca fac azi cu o greutate, peste doua luni vreau sa fac cu mai mult. In general nu mai simt bine daca nu fac miscare mai mult de o saptamana – devin irascibil.
Q: Cum ti-ai motiva prietenii sa inceapa sa faca sport? Ce le-ai transmite?
Atti: Cu cei cu care imi permit devin rautacios si le zic sa se uite in oglinda. A functionat deja cu 2 persoane 😊. In general incerc sa imi conving prietenii prin exemplul personal.
Q: Cum vezi competitia in sport?
Atti: Pe mine personal competitia ma motiveaza, ma ajuta sa cresc. O data ce stiu ca m-am calificat sau inscris la o competitie incep sa ma pregatesc altfel, trag mai tare, vin mai des.
Q: Cat de importanta este comunitatea in sport?
Atti: Nu pot sa zic ca am prea avut o comunitate pana acum, parca aici la sala incepe incet, incet sa se dezvolte una. Cred ca te ajuta sa vii constant la sala. Ar fi fain sa fim cat mai multi la concursuri, ajuta.
Q: Ce inseamna "The Stronger me" pentru tine?
Atti: Sa ajung cea mai buna versiune a mea. Sa imi depasesc limitele. Imi doresc ca acest lucru sa nu se schimbe cu varsta.
Q: Atti, how would you present yourself in a couple of words?
Atti: Atti Matte, I am a mechanical engineer for 4 and a half years now. I am from Bistrita Nasaud, same region as coach Petrican. I love travelling. Last time I’ve been to Athens, where I was stunned by the culture and the old buldings – I have to admit that I am passionate about the Greek mythology. In Athens I have exercised one of my other passions – the passion for food. Probably one of my super power is the quantity of food that I can eat. 😊
Q: What was your first contact with sports? What did you enjoyed?
Atti: I’ve never been a professional athlete, but as a kid I used to play football from time to time. When I was about 15 I’ve started strength training, in a friend’s improvised garage gym. Then we started collecting and creating our own equipment. I have dismantled one of my grandpa’s agriculture machinery and created plates and a pulley system. I’ve then started doing Crossfit training when I moved to Cluj.
Q: When and why did you start training @The Box?
Atti: The gym where I used to train was closed for rehabilitation and I couldn’t stay away for a couple of week. I have already met you guys at Electric Castle and I knew Anca for a long time – so there wasn’t much of a choice. I really enjoyed the fundamentals blocks that we did a couple of months ago.
Q: How did you change since starting @TheBox?
Atti: I worked a lot on my Olympic Weightlifting technique and I feel that my legs strength increased a lot. I think there is another squat PR right after the corner for me 😊
Q: What motivates you to keep practicing sport daily?
Atti: First of all I am committed to keep a healthy lifestyle and I want to overcome my limits constantly. If I use certain weight today, in 2 months’ time I want to use a larger one. In general I don’t feel good if I am not training for more than 1 week – I get very easily annoyed.
Q: How would you motivate friends to start doing sport?
Atti: With my close friends I am mean and ask them to check themselves in the mirror. This already worked twice 😊. In general I try to convince people by giving them my personal example.
Q: How do you see competition in sports?
Atti: Competitions motivate me and help me grow. Once I have qualified or signed up for a competition I start to train differently – I am more focused, I train more and definitely go the extra mile.
Q: How important do you find the community, when practicing sports?
Atti: I can’t say I have experienced much the community concept until now. I feel that there a small community growing in the gym now. I think in general this is helping everyone to be more constant and come more often to training It would be great if we could create a team of people to travel to different competitions.
Q: What does “The Stronger Me” mean for you?
Atti: To become my best version and to overcome my limits. I really wish this will not change as I grow older.