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The Stronger Me - Ale Bogdanescu

Writer's picture: TheBoxBarbellClubTheBoxBarbellClub

Updated: Aug 27, 2019

Saptamana aceasta am povestit cu Ale, asa am descoperit si secretul consecventei ei si anume faptul ca pentru ea antrenamentul este ca si o iesire cu prietenii.


Q: Daca ar fi sa te prezinti in 5 propozitii, care ar fi acestea? Cine esti? Cu ce te ocupi? Care este super puterea ta?

Ale: Ma numesc Alexandra Bogdanescu, pe scurt Ale sau Bogda dupa spusele prietenilor:). Am 29 de ani sunt din Orastie si locuiesc de 10 ani in Cluj.

Am absolvit facultatea de telecomunicatii, iar de 5 ani lucrez in domeniul IT. Imi place sa calatoresc, sa vad locuri noi si sa imi petrec timpul cu prietenii.

Q: Care a fost primul tau contact cu sportul? Ce ti-a placut/ce nu ti-a placut?

Ale: Pot sa zic ca am crescut cu sportul. De mica ma uitam cu tatal si sora mea la diverse competitii sportive, gimnastica, ski, sarituri cu skiurile, fotbal:), formula 1 absolut orice sport. Ceea ce imi placea cel mai mult era bucuria si satisfactia de la final pe care o aveau toti atletii in ochi, acestea veneau in urma multor ore de munca si a unor sacrificii pe masura.

Provenind dintr-un oras mic, la vremea aceea nu prea aveai posibilitatea sa faci sport de performanta, nici nu aveam cluburi sportive.

Prima mea tangenta cu sportul mai serios a fost cand am inceput sa ma pregatesc pentru admiterea la liceul militar. Au fost 4 luni de pregatire intensa si multa munca. Dupa care, am am continuat pe perioada liceului cu tenis si volei. De cand m-am mutat in Cluj am avut o perioada de stagnare la inceput, dar dupa am inceput sa merg la clasicele sali de sport. Evident ca m-am plictisit. In urma cu 4 ani am inceput cu alergatul. Era ceva care ma motiva, ajungand sa alerg distante tot mai mari si sa fac 4 semimaratoane. Fiind o persoana care cauta diversitate si lucruri noi tot timpul, m-am plictisit, evident, si de alergat mai ales ca reusisem ceea ce mi-am propus. Deci aveam nevoie de un nou obictiv. Asa am inceput cu partea de crossfit si antrenamente de genu. Aici, sincer, nu ai cum sa te plictisesti :)

Q: Ce te-a determinat sa incepi sa te antrenezi la The Box si de cat timp faci acest lucru?

Ale: In octombrie am un an de cand am venit la voi :). Am venit pentru ca persoanele cu care ma antrenam zilnic la sala anterioara au venit aici, si erau foarte incantati de ceea ce au gasit. Asta m-a convins sa incerc. Am inceput cu clasele de Metcon si cele de Weightlifting.

Q: In ce fel simti ca te-a schimbat The Box?

Ale: The Box m-a ajutat sa ma antrenez mult mai eficient, sa invat miscarile corect, si sa pun in practica ceea ce am invatat. Nu e nevoie de 3 ore la sala sa simti ca ai lucrat, ci poti sa fi mai eficient intr-o ora daca stii cum sa lucrezi. Tot aici am gasit oameni foarte bine pregatiti in ceea ce fac, in care poti sa ai incredere ca stiu sa te ajute sa iti indeplinesti obiectivele. Conteaza foarte mult pentru mine mediul in care ma invart in marea majoritate a timpului, pentru ca aici ma dezvolt pana la urma, mai ales ca vin zilnic :).

Q: Ce inseamna "The Stronger me" pentru tine?

Ale: Versiunea mea cea mai buna la momentul de fata, dar nu numai. Un punct de plecare pentru stabilirea de noi obictive si urmarirea progresului.

Cred ca asta te ajuta sa te motivezi , sa te autodepasesti si sa cauti challenge-uri noi. Un stil de viata sanatos, dinamic si o motivatie pentru cei care doresc sa ajunga aici.

Q: Ce te motiveaza sa vii la antrenament in fiecare zi?

Ale: Nu am nevoie de o motivare. Pentru mine e o rutina, iar prietenii mei si cei care ma cunosc stiu ca programul meu zilnic dupa job se invarte in jurul antrenamentelor de la sala. Foarte rar renunt la acestea. Pe mine partea aceasta de rutina zilnica ma ajuta foarte mult sa ma relaxez si sa ma detasez de tot. Cand sunt aici pot sa ma concentrez si sa ma focusez doar pe ceea ce am de facut in sala, uitand de tot.

Q: Cum ti-ai motiva prietenii sa inceapa sa faca sport? Ce le-ai transmite?

Ale: I-as lua cu mine la un antrenament sau la cateva competitii.

Q: Cum vezi competitia in sport?

Ale: As zice ca depinde de persoane si de obiectivul lor. Intr-o competitie sportiva ai fi uimit sa vezi cat de mult poti sa te autodepasesti. Adrenalina concursului te face sa uiti de tot si sa dai ultima picatura de energie pentru scopul de acolo.

Un rol foarte mare il are si psihicul, nu doar conditia ta fizica. Deci ai avea un double win sa zic asa :). Niciodata nu e la fel si tot timpul vei intampina situatii noi cu care te confrunti si trebuie sa le gestionezi atunci pe moment. Insa cum ziceam, depinde de persoana. Sunt persoane care in conditii de stres reactioneaza foarte bine si dau tot ce e mai bun, altele nu.

Q: Cat de importanta este comunitatea in sport?

Ale: Pentru mine conteaza foarte mult mediul si oamenii cu care interactionez zilnic. Daca nu te simti confortabil si ok cu oamenii respectivi cu siguranta nu vei sta mult acolo. Asa se aplica si in sport. Imi place asa zisa comunitate, pentru ca te ajuta sa cunosti oameni noi,diferiti, iar in timp poate chiar noi prieteni. Daca e un mediu placut cu oameni faini cu siguranta iti doresti sa petreci cat mai mult timp acolo, uitand de dificultatea antrenamentului sau orice alt impediment. E pana la urma o modalitate de a petrece timpul liber.


Q: Ale, how would you present yourself in a couple of words?

Ale: My name is Alexandra Bogdanescu, or as my friends call me Ale or Bogda :). I am 29 years old, borned in Orastie, and since 10 years ago I am living in Cluj.

I graduated the Technical University here, and since 5 years ago I am working for a German IT company. I like to travel a lot, discover new place and spend my free time together with my friends.

Q: What was your first contact with sports? What did you enjoyed?

Ale: I can say I grew up with sports. I remember when I was a child, I enjoyed to watch different sport competitions together with my sister and my father. From gymnastics, ski, ski jumping to football or formula 1 :). I remember I was fascinated every single time, about the happiness and the achievements which all the athletes had after a long way of work and sacrifices.

I am coming from a small city and at that time you didn't have the chance to practice a sport professionally mainly due to the poor infrastructure. My first serious interaction with sport was when I started to prepare for the military school. Those were 4 intensive months, with a lot of effort and work. After that, during high school I continued with volleyball and tennis. Since I moved to Cluj, I had a period when I stood aside from sports, but soon I started again with the classical studio fitness. Of course I got bored. 4 years ago I started seriously to run. It was something which motivated me and I ended up doing 4 half marathons. Being a person who every time is looking for diversity and new things, I got bored quickly about this. I needed a new target, a new challenge. And at that point I had my first interaction with crossfit and this kind or trainings. Here you have no chance to get bored honestly :)

Q: When and why did you start training @The Box?

Ale: In October last year I joined this gym. I came here, because the persons which I trained with daily at the previous gym came here. They were really excited and this convinced me to try something new. I started with METCON and WEIGHTLIFTING classes.

Q: How did you change since starting @TheBox?

Ale: The Box helped me to train much more efficiently, to learn the movements correctly and to apply what I've learned. Is no need to stay 3 hours at the gym to feel that you work, you can be also efficient in one hour if you know how to do it.

Also here I had the chance to meet very professional people, which know what they do and in which you can trust that they know how to support you to achieve your goals. For me it matters a lot the environment where I stay almost all the time, because here I develop myself, especially because I come daily.

Q: What does “The Stronger Me” mean for you?

Ale: My best version at this time, but not only that. A starting point for new objectives and following the progress.

This really helps you to be motivated in what you are doing, to be beyond yourself and to find new challenges. A healthy lifestyle, a dynamic one and a starting point for the ones who wish to achieve this point.

Q: What motivates you to keep practicing sport daily?

Ale: I do not need a motivation. For me is a routine like my job. My friends and the persons who know me are aware that my daily schedule is around my gym trainings. Only in really rare cases I give up and cancel this. For me, this daily routine helps a lot to relax and be 100% away from everything. When I am here I can concentrate and focus only on what I have to do here, the rest does not matter.

Q: How would you motivate friends to start doing sport?

Ale: I would take them with me to a training or to some competitions.

Q: How do you see competition in sports?

Ale: I would say it depends on every person and their objective. In a sport competition you would be surprised to see how much you can do. The adrenaline of the competition makes you forget everything and give the last piece of energy for your scope there. Your psychic plays also a big role here, not only your physical condition. So you would have double win to say so :). Is never the same and every time you must face new situations for which you must find a solution on that really specific moment. But as I said, depends on every person. There are persons which in stress condition bring the best of them, but some that do not.

Q: How important do you find the community, when practicing sports?

Ale: For me it really matters a lot the environment and the people which I see and interact with daily. If you are not comfortable with this for sure you will not stay long in any place. This is also relevant in sport. I like this so called community because you can discover new people, different people, and maybe in time make really good new friends. If it is a nice environment with the same nice and funny people for sure you would like to spend more and more time there, forgetting about all impediments. In the end is just a way of spending your free time .


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