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The Stronger Me - Adi Persa

Writer's picture: TheBoxBarbellClubTheBoxBarbellClub

Azi povestim cu Adi, poate unul dintre cei mai talentati si autentici atleti de la The Box.


Q: Daca ar fi sa te prezinti in 5 propozitii, care ar fi acestea? Cine esti? Cu ce te ocupi? Care este super puterea ta?

Adi: Persa Adrian, 21 de ani, student in anul 1 la UMF sectia AMG. Acum ar fi culmea sa spun ca hobby-ul meu e berea… dar imi place. In acelasi timp, imi place sa fac sport si sa ma joc pe playstation. Acum ma joc Assassin’s Creed. In general ma joc vreo 3-4 ore la cateva zile, asa imi fac recuperarea.

Q: Care a fost primul tau contact cu sportul? Ce ti-a placut/ce nu ti-a placut?

Adi: Cand eram mai mic, ai mei au vrut sa ma dea la karate. Fiind gras nu am facut nimic si am renuntat dupa 2 luni. Apoi am facut 2 ani de inot, pana ce era sa raman repetent la mate. Faceam cate 3-4 antrenamente pe saptamana.

Dupa cativa ani, m-am apucat de sala, primise tata vouchere moca, pe o luna, la o sala de fitness. Am inceput, la 65 de kg, sa fac body building si mi-o placut. Am facut vreo 2 ani si ceva pana s-a deschis o sala de crossfit langa mine. Au urmat 2 ani si ceva de crossfit, pana ce l-am cunoscut pe Gabi si am avut de la cine sa invat haltere. Imi place faptul ca nu face chiar toata lumea. Sincer m-am saturat de partea de cardio. O sa fac totusi 2 antrenamente saptamana viitoare sa ma pregatesc pentru Transylvania Throwdown.

Daca e sa compar, la crossfit imi placea ca erau antrenamente in echipa, un fel de comunitate. Ma motivau sa trag mai tare. La haltere e faina progresia pe kilogram, trebuie sa faci multe exercitii aditionale pentru o singura miscare. Progresul e foarte lent cu dureri de genunchi, ca la batrani.

Q: Cu alimentatia cum stai?

Adi: Mananc des, dar nu mult cantitativ. In principiu full carbs, haha. Dimineata prajituri si cola, apoi fornetti sau sandwich. Urmeaza ceva gatit sau un kebap. Si seara dulciuri sau ceva carne sau ambele. Destul de atipic..

Q: Ce te-a determinat sa incepi sa te antrenezi la The Box si de cat timp faci acest lucru?

Adi: Am venit de la inceput, de 7-8 luni cred. Mi-a placut faptul ca e o sala strict de strength and conditioning fata de multe altele. Erau deja persoane cunoscute aici si am putut sa fac antrenamente specifice fara sa ma deranjeze nimeni.

Q: In ce fel simti ca te-a schimbat The Box?

Adi: Cel mai mult am invatat sa fiu rabdator, vin de departe si schimb doua bus-uri ca sa ajung aici. Ascult muzica, observ lumea – e interesant.

Q: Ce te motiveaza sa vii la antrenament in fiecare zi?

Adi: Targetul pe care vreau sa il ating si faptul ca imi doresc sa trec de la amatori la semi-profesionisti. Cand imi setez un obiectiv, ma gandesc la kilogramele pe care vreau sa le ating. In weightlifting imi ia in jur de 2 luni sa imi ating un obiectiv.

Q: Cum ti-ai motiva prietenii sa inceapa sa faca sport? Ce le-ai transmite?

Adi: Pai incerc sa ii fac sa nu se mai mire de ceea ce fac eu. Sa incerce si sa isi dea seama ca e realizabil. Multi cred ca halterele te fac mic, sau ca faci hernie - nu e asa.

Am reusit pana acum sa il conving pe Peter sa se apuce si inca incerc sa o conving pe prietena mea.

Q: Ne povestesti o experienta amuzanta de cand ai inceput sportul?

Adi: Cel mai dubas o fost cand era sa iau black out de la front squat. Incercam 160kg, 2 bucati. Prima ok, cand am ridicat a doua mi s-au inmuiat picioarele. O trebuit sa arunc bara si sa stau 5 minute. Ma mai si uitam in oglinda.

Q: Cum vezi competitia in sport?

Adi: Pai tot timpul merg acolo cu un scop - sa castig. Vreau sa fiu “batar” in alea 3 locuri. In general, nu ma stresez la concursuri, nu are rost. Incerc sa dau cu 20% mai mult acolo si sa imi depasesc limitele.

Q: Cat de importanta este comunitatea in sport?

Adi: Ajuta sa ai cu cine interactiona, atat in sala cat si in afara ei. Discuti cu persoane din alte medii: studenti, corporatisti, medici.. si te ajuta. Mi-am facut multi prieteni in acest fel.

Q: Ce inseamna "The Stronger me" pentru tine?

Adi: Un eu mai puternic. Sa devin mai bun din punct de vedere fizic si cel putin sa pastrez nivelul mental. Sper sa nu ma aud niciodata punand intrebarea des intalnita in sali “Cat faci la piept?”


Q: Adi, how would you present yourself in a couple of words?

Adi: Persa Adrian, 21 years old, I am a 1st year student at UMF (AMG). It would be a little awkward to say that my hobby is drinking beer.. but I like it a lot.

I like training in the gym and playing on my PlayStation. I am currently playing Assassin’s Creed. Usually I am playing around 3-4 hours every couple of day, that’s the best recovery for me.

Q: What was your first contact with sports? What did you enjoy?

Adi: When I was little, my folks took me to some karate classes. As I was a chubby kid I wasn’t interested, and I quit after 2 months. Then I got into swimming and did that for about 2 years, until I almost failed at math class. I had like 3-4 trainings each week.

After some time I’ve started going to the gym, when my father got some gift cards to a nearby gym. I’ve started with bodybuilding when I weighted 65 kg and I really enjoyed it. After about 2 years a crossfit box opened up closely. I’ve got very passionate about the sport, at least until I met Gabi and started to focus on Olympic weightlifting. I really like the fact that is a niche sport and that not everyone is into it. To be honest I am also sick of cardio training. I will, however, have 2 cardio training next week to get in shape for Transylvania Throwdown.

If I were to compare.. In crossfit I liked the group training and the community. It motivated me to push my limits. On the other hand in Olympic weightlifting the “per kilogram” progression is very cool. You have to do lots of complementary exercises for a single movement. The progress is very slow and with knee pain – feeling just like old people.

Q: What do you eat?

Adi: I eat multiple time a day, but not large quantities and mostly full carbs. I usually start with cakes and coke in the morning and continue with Fornetti or a sandwich at noon. Than a warm meal follows, but it can be a kebab as well. In the evening I usually eat meat or sweets... or both. I do agree that is not a common meal plan, but it works for me.

Q:When and why did you start training @The Box?

Adi: I think I came here starting with its first days, 7-8 months ago. I like the fact that is a pure strength and conditioning gym and I can do my specific training routine with no one bothering me. There were, as well, a couple of friends already training here.

Q: How did you change since starting @The Box?

Adi: Most of all I became more patient. I have to change buses to get to the gym, so I didn’t have a choice. I listen to music and observe everyone – it’s interesting.

Q: What motivates you to keep practicing sports daily?

Adi: Mostly my objective and the fact that I want to move from amateurs to semi-pro. When I set a new objective, I am thinking about the kilograms I want to achieve. In Olympic weightlifting it takes me around 2 months to complete an objective.

Q: How would you motivate friends to start doing sport?

Adi: I try to make them try it out and see that is not so amazing what I am doing, it’s just about practice. Most of the people think that Olympic weightlifting makes you small or that herniated discs is a common injury – but that is not true.

I have managed to convince Peter to start practicing and I am still trying to get my girlfriend in the gym.

Q: Do you have a funny story, sports related?

Adi: The funniest thing was when I nearly blacked out while doing front squats. I was trying to do 2 reps @160 kilograms. The first one went smoothly, but the legs quit on me at the second rep. I had to throw down the bar and sit for 5 minutes. It was even funnier that I saw the entire thing in the mirror.

Q: How do you see competition in sports?

Adi: I always go there with the same target- to win! I want to take at least one of the first 3 places. In general, I don’t get very nervous in competition, there is no point. I am trying to give out 20% more than in general and to push my limits.

Q: How important do you find the community when practicing sports?

Adi: It helps to have someone there to interact with, both in the gym and outside of it. You get to talk with people with different backgrounds: students, doctors, corporate junkies.. I made a lot of friends this way.

Q: What does “The Stronger me” mean for you?

Adi: A stronger person. I want to become stronger from a physical perspective and at least to keep my current mental state.


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