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Being healthy is our top priority and it should be yours as well!


Our motto here is “The Stronger Me”.

This means that our goal is to surface the best version of each individual, both physically and mentally.

Our offer for those entering our box is a transformational one and this requires a long term ‘relationship’. Significant changes are not done in a day. Studies show that you need at least 1-2 months of persistence in order to create a habit. I think you need grit to really change your lifestyle. For me, it took around 1 year and it supposed losing around 20 kg, changing the way I eat and doing sport regularly.

The first rule we have here at The Box is about executing the movements correctly and keeping our athletes away from injuries. In order to be able to be perseverant in achieving your objective, firstly you need to be healthy. Therefore before looking into improving our times or having new PRs, we look at the technique used. In our view you don’t learn the correct technique in a day, a week or a month course, but rather is a continuous learning and improvement process.

Here at The Box we have 3 ways in which we improve the technique and keep injuries away:

1. Initial assessment and scaled training

Individual talk with each person entering our door and assessment of the key indicators: mobility, medical history and personal objectives

2. Fundamentals Blocks

We introduced a series of fundamentals blocks focused on strength, weightlifting or gymnastics in the METCON classes. These 4-8 week blocks have the target to improve technique and strength during a training with reduced intensity in order to avoid injuries.

3. Seminars

By these we offer the opportunity to learn or repeat key elements for movements in one or two day crash courses. We are well aware you cannot perform a correct snatch after one day, but the tips that a person with a lifetime experience can give you may help saving years of practice to achieve your goals.

We do understand, as well, that focusing on technique might get boring or at least less entertaining. And this is also a threat towards perseverance. Our solution is to diversify the type of classes and offer additional, more intense options like Endurance and HIIT. Classes where the risk of injuries is lower. As well, mostly in weekends we have longer and more intense workouts where you have to get out the best in you (as long as your technique is correct).

Keep in mind! Entering our door is the beginning of a long discovery journey towards The Stronger YOU. We are honored to be part of your team in this race.


Motto-ul nostru este The Stronger Me.

Asta inseamna ca vrem sa scoatem la suprafata cea mai buna varianta a fiecarei persoane atat fizic cat si mental.

Propunerea noastra pentru cei care ne trec pragul este una transformationala, iar asta presupune o ‘relatie’ de lunga durata. Schimbarile semnificative nu se fac de pe o zi pe alta. Studiile arata ca ai nevoie de 1-2 luni de constanta pentru a te obisnui cu ceva nou si a deveni un obicei. Este nevoie insa de mult mai multa perseverenta pentru a schimba macazul cu adevarat. Mie mi-a luat in jur de 1 an si a insemnat o trecere de la 96 la 73 kg, schimbarea modului in care mancam si sport regulat.

Principiul primordial dupa care ne ghidam la The Box este corectitudinea executarii diverselor miscari si mentinerea atletilor departe de accidentari. Pentru a reusi sa fii perseverent in atingerea obiectivului, in primul rand trebuie sa fii sanatos. Asa ca inainte sa ne uitam la timpi buni sau recorduri personale imbunatatite, trebuie sa ne uitam la tehnica. Dupa parerea noastra tehnica nu se invata intr-un curs de o zi, o saptamana sau o luna ci este un process continuu de invatare si perfectionare.

La The Box avem 3 moduri prin care urmarim sa imbunatatim tehnica si sa ne tinem departe de accidentari:

1. Evaluarea initiala si scalarea antrenamentului

Discutii individuale cu fiecare persoana noua care ne trece pragul si evaluarea parametrilor cheie legati de: mobilitate, istoric medical, obiective personale.

2. Blocuri de fundamentals

Introducerea la clasele de METCON a unor blocuri de miscari fundamentale de forta, haltere sau gimnastica. Aceste blocuri de 4-8 saptamani vizeaza imbunatatirea tehnicii si cresterea fortei intr-un antrenament cu ritm redus sau moderat pentru a evita accidentarile.

3. Seminarii

Oferirea oportunitatii de a invata sau reitera elementele cheie a unor miscari intr-o zi sau doua – un crash course. Toata lumea este constienta ca nu poti invata sa faci un snatch corect intr-o zi, insa indrumarile primite de la o persoana care asta a facut toata viata te pot ajuta sa faci un click si sa accelerezi procesul de invatare economisind, poate, ani de munca.

Suntem constienti in schimb si de reversul medaliei si anume faptul ca uneori concentrarea pe tehnica poate sa fie mai putin captivanta. Ceea ce poate fi o alta amenintare pentru perseverenta. Solutia noastra este sa diversificam clasele si sa oferim si optiuni mai intense cum ar fi clasele de Endurance si HIIT. Clase in cadrul carora miscarile au un risc relativ redus de accidentare. In acelasi timp in weekend, avem si antrenamente mai lungi si mai intese, unde poti da ce ai mai bun din tine cu conditia sa ai o tehnica adecvata.

Tineti minte! Momentul in care ne treceti pragul este doar inceputul unui lung drum de descoperire a celei mai puternice versiuni a voastre. Suntem onorati sa va fim coechipieri in aceasta cursa.


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