The Stronger Me - Adi Persa
Azi povestim cu Adi, poate unul dintre cei mai talentati si autentici atleti de la The Box. [Ro] Q: Daca ar fi sa te prezinti in 5...
The Stronger Me - Adi Persa
Strength and conditioning
Care este spatiul tau tertiar?
Cum sa-ti scrii singur programul de antrenament
The Stronger Me - Atti Mate
Squat pattern vs Hinge pattern
3 greseli fundamentale atunci cand esti prima data in sala
The 5 most important lessons that The Box taught us in the first 6 months
4 easy steps for a better bench press!
The Stronger Me - Ioana Rogojan
Being healthy is our top priority and it should be yours as well!
The Stronger Me - Diana Galmati
Educatia fizica, copiii si economia.
The Stronger Me - Dani Faur
There is no reason to use the lifting belt when working your biceps
The Stronger Me - Gabi Sincraian